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A parent or guardian's expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a child's attitude towards other players, officials, managers, coaches, other parents and executive members.

As a parent/guardian I will:

  • Exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, never condone violations of the rules of the game or exhibit behaviour contrary to the spirit of the game.
  • Place the well-being and safety of each player above all considerations.
  • Not make abusive remarks to any official, player, parent, coach, team support staff, volunteer or executive member.
  • Seek clarification of what is expected of me within the Avalon Minor Football organization.
  • Respect and show appreciation for the trained volunteers, coaches, officials, managers and trainers and remember that children learn best by example.
  • Not use any wide-spread social media communication channels (email, texting, facebook, etc.) to communicate any offensive, abusive or insulting remarks towards any other player, official, parent, coaches, team support staff or executive members.
  • Respect the designated smoking areas at all Avalon Minor Football functions, including practices, games and team building events.
  • Acknowledge that the use of illegal drugs and abuse of alcohol is not acceptable within the Avalon Minor Football where minors are in attendance.